Ecuador - Galapagos - 2nd postcard

Ann of Florida sent me two postcards from the Galapagos Islands and both of them reached me. The first card was mailed from Galapagos using Ecuador stamp. This second card was "left" at the post-office in Galapagos for another traveller to mail to me which is a tradition in Galapagos. The card was picked up Helen and Terry of Liverpool from Galapagos as they were travelling to Sarawak, Malaysia and sent it from there to me. Thanks Ann and thanks Helen and Terry.


Zuri said...

Post Office bay is one of the major attractions of Galapagos.

By the end of the 1700's some sailor nailed a wooden box to a tree, and called it Hathaway's Post Office.

However, it is the British Captain James Colnett, who spreads the word and talks about a mailing system where packages and letters can be left there and get picked up by a passing ship in route to such destination.

Soon Post-Office Bay became a mandatory stop to all sailors in Galapagos waters.

Galapagos and Ecuador Guide

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much Zuri. This is very informative. Makes me appreciate these two postcards from Galapagos even more. SL