Japan - Kyushu - Nabetagaki Waterfalls, Kumamoto

Nabetagaki Waterfalls in Kumamoto, Kyushu can be viewed in a cavern behind the waterflow. Thanks to YL of Singapore who visited Kyushu in 2024.

United Kingdom - Scotland - The Flow Country

The Flow Country in Highland Region of Scotland, UK is a new UNESCO World Heritage inscribed in 2024. Thanks to Stella of Scotland, UK.

South Korea - Taegeukgi

Taegeukgi with Signatures of Korean Liberation Army - a registered Cultural Property No.389. Thanks to Gert of Sweden.

USA - 5th Annual World Postcard Day - October 1, 2024

A nice postcard to commemorate 5th Annual World Postcard Day - October 1, 2024 mailed from Orting, Washington State, USA. Two nice stamps of sea turtle used. Thanks to Van of Oregon, USA.

Singapore - Happy World Postcard Day

Nice surprise from Singapore - Happy World Postcard Day. Thanks to Siti of Singapore.


Mongolia - Country of Horses

Mongolia has more horses than inhabitants and known as Country of Horses. Thanks to Gert of Sweden. This is a special postcard as it is the 20th postcard written stamped from Mongolia in my collection.

Mongolia - View of Nature

Nice nature view postcard of Mongolia. Thanks to Gert of Sweden.

Ghana - Cape Coast Castle

Cape Coast Castle is one of many forts with a legacy of Trans-Atlantic slave trade and a UNESCO World Heritage site. It now also housed the West African History Museum. Thanks again to Karolyn of USA.

Ghana - Asante Traditional Buildings

Asante Traditional Buildings is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Thanks to Karolyn of USA. By mistake, I received two same postcards with different stamps used - double delight.

Postcard 1

Postcard 2

Azerbaijan - Khynalyq Village of Gobi District

Khynalyq Village and landscape is a UNESCO World Heritage site in Azerbaijan. Thanks to Karolyn of USA.

Germany - Olympic Park - Olympic Tower - Munich

The Munich Olympic Park with Olympic Tower was the site of Germany Munich 1972 Summer Olympic Games. I visited this location some years ago. Thanks to Uli of Austria.

Bermuda - Coronation Theatre - Queen Elizabeth II

A wonderful postcard of Queen Elizabeth II with matching royal stamps of Bermuda. Thanks to Jean-Pierre of France.

Bermuda - Queen Elizabeth II

Beautiful postcards of Queen Elizabeth II with matching stamps postmarked Hamilton Bermuda. Thanks to Jean-Pierre of France.

Turkey - Temple of Aprodite, Aprodisias

Temple of Aprodite - Aprodisias, Turkey is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Thanks to Marcel of Germany for arranging this postcard mailing from Turkey.

Japan - Shikoku - Kochi Castle

Kochi Castle in Kochi, Shikoku is one of the 12 untouched castles in Japan. This is a four postcard set. Thanks to YL of Singapore for mailing each of them separately from Japan.

Postcard 1


Postcard 2

Postcard 3

Postcard 4

Japan - Multiview

Multi-view of Beautiful Japan - Miyajima Aki (Hiroshima), Mount Fuji, Himaji Castle, Kinakuji (Kyoto). Thanks to YL of Singapore.

Japan - Kyoto - Fushimi Inari Taisha Shinto Shrine

Beautiful number of mini toroo gates om Fushimi Inari Taisha, an important Shinto shrine in southern Kyoto. Thanks to YL of Singapore.

Japan - Kyoto skyline

Kyoto skyline showing the modern and the traditional with Kyoto Tower in sight. Thanks to YL of Singapore.

Japan - Maiko-san

In Kyoto, often can see a Maiko-san on the street when I was there. Thanks to YL of Singapore for this nice postcard.

Japan - Kinkakuji Temple, Kyoto

A must first time visit in Kyoto, Japan - the golden Kinkakuji Temple. I have visited it before too. Thanks to YL of Singapore.


Japan - Shikoku - Hakata-Oshima Bridge - Shimanami Kaido

Hakata-Oshima Bridge is a suspension bridge connecting the islands of Honshū and Shikoku over the Seito Inland Sea. Thanks to YL of Singapore.